Etymology: "quality of being abnormal," 1854; "abnormal feature or quality," 1859, from abnormal + “-ity”. Earlier as abnormity (1731).
Word formation: the word “abnormality” is a DERIVATION by added prefix “ab-“ to the word “normality.” The noun “normality” is a BACK FORMATION from the adjective “normal.”
Morphemes: ab- -normal- -ity
prefix stem suffix
bound/derivational free/lexical bound/derivational
(from Latin, (adj.) (to create noun
meaning:away from) from the adj.)
Etymology: 1630s, from Fr. irréprochable (15c.), from assimilated form of in- “not, opposite of” (see in- (1)) + réprochable
Word formation: the word “irreproachable” is a BORROW from French and it is a DERIVATION by adding the prefix “ir-“ and suffix “-able” to the noun “reproach,” because the suffix “-able” change this word from adjective to noun it is also BACK FORMATION.
Morphemes: ir- -reproach- -able
prefix stem suffix
bound/derivational free/lexical bound/derivational
(negation prefix) (noun) (to create adj. from the noun)
Etymology: 1859, from showman "one who presents shows"
Word formation: the word “showmanship” is a COMPOUND from the words “show” and “man” and a DERIVATION by adding suffix “-ship”
Morphemes: show- -man- -ship
stem stem suffix
free/lexical free/lexical bound/derivational
(noun) (noun) (suffix placed after a noun
indicating the state of being
that the noun means)
Etymology: 1670s, from earthen + ware.
Word formation: the word “earthenware” is a COMPOUND from the words “earthen” and “ware”
Morphemes: earth -en- -ware
stem influx stem
free/lexical bound/derivational free/lexial
(noun) ("-en" when attached to certain (noun)
nouns that are the names of a
material, it forms an adj.
whose meaning is made of)
Etymology: meaning "any death by electricity" is from 1940.
Word formation: the word “electrocution” is a BLEND of the words “electricity” and “execute.” It is also a BACK FORMATION because this noun it was created from the verb “electrocute.”
Morphemes: electro- -cut- -ion
stem partial stem suffix
free/lexical free/lexical bound/derivational
(the beginning of (the ending of (to create noun from verb)
the word: "electricity") the word: "execute")
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